Setup OA Framework

This section contains instructions to configure and test OA Framework if you are a customer, consultant or support representative using JDeveloper on Windows. It provides an overview of the directory structure and discusses how to:
􀁹 Configure the JDEV_USER_HOME environment variable.
􀁹 Obtain a database connection file.
􀁹 Create a desktop shortcut to JDeveloper.
􀁹 Assign Toolbox responsibilities.
􀁹 Launch JDeveloper and configure the database connection and user.
􀁹 Test the setup.
These instructions assume you have successfully installed the JDeveloper OA Extension zip file which creates the following directory structure on your drive of choice.
Directory Description
Tip: To open any of the documentation in the jdevdoc directories, open the jdevdoc\index.htm.
jdevdoc\javadoc\fwk Includes OA Framework Javadoc.
jdevdoc\javadoc\aolj Includes AOL/J Javadoc.
jdevdoc\javadoc\bc4j Includes BC4J Javadoc.
jdevdoc\javadoc\uix Includes UIX Javadoc.
jdevdoc\toolbox Includes OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial lesson/lab documentation.
jdevdoc\devguide Includes the OA Framework Developer's Guide.
jdevbin\ Includes an extended version of the Oracle JDeveloper 10g executable and OA
Framework class libraries.
jdevhome\ Includes the OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial source and developer working
Task 1: Configuring the JDEV_USER_HOME Environment Variable
Warning: This is a requirement for JDeveloper. Do not skip this task.Configure the JDEV_USER_HOME environment variable using Windows XP or Windows 2000:
1. Go to your desktop and select My Computer, right-click and select Properties.
2. On the System Properties dialog, select the Advanced tab.
3. On the Advanced page, select the Environment Variables... button.
4. On the Environment Variables dialog, select the New... button from the User variables for box
5. On the New User Variable dialog, enter JDEV_USER_HOME in the Variable Name field. Set the Variable Value field to :\jdevhome\jdev where is the drive where you installed the JDeveloper OA Extension zip file. For example: c:\jdevhome\jdev.
6. Select OK in each of the dialogs you opened to save the new user environment variable.
Warning: The variable value should not contain a leading space before the drive name. If it does, your environment will not work properly.
Task 2: Obtaining a Database Connection File Obtain the FND database connection (.dbc) file from the system administrator who installed the OA Framework database where you want to do your development. Place this file in the \dbc_files\secure directory.
Task 3: Creating a Desktop Shortcut to JDeveloper To facilitate launching JDeveloper, create a desktop shortcut to jdevbin\jdev\bin\jdevw.exe.
Task 4: Assigning ToolBox Responsibilities If you have not already done so as part of your installation verification, assign the following ToolBox Tutorial
responsibilities to a test user. Refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide for information about creating users and assigning responsibilities to users.
Note: Use an existing user in your system or create a new test user.
􀁹 OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial (responsibility key is FWK_TBX_TUTORIAL).
􀁹 OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial Labs (responsibility key is FWK_TOOLBOX_TUTORIAL_LABS).
Task 5: Launching JDeveloper and Configuring the Database Connection and User
Use this procedure to launch JDeveloper and configure the database connection and user:
1. Select the desktop shortcut created in Task 3 to launch Oracle JDeveloper.
2. Select File > Open from the main menu, then navigate to \myprojects. Open the OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial workspace file (toolbox.jws).
3. Expand the toolbox.jws in the JDeveloper System Navigator, to display its contents. Select the Tutorial.jpr project, then select Project > Project Settings.
4. Expand the Oracle Applications node, which is In the Project Settings dialog, and select Runtime Connection.
5. Locate the DBC file that you saved in Task 2 by using the Browse... button, which is In the Connection box. The file should be in the JDEV_USER_HOME>\dbc_files\secure directory.
6. Specify the User Name and Password for the test user. This is the user that you assigned the ToolBoxresponsibilities to in Task 4.Select OK.
7. Repeat Steps 3 - 6 for the LabSolutions.jpr project.
8. Expand the Connections node in the JDeveloper System Navigator and then expand the Database node. Right-click on the Database node and select New Connection... to open the Connection Wizard.
Follow the JDeveloper instructions to define a new database connection for the Oracle Applications database identified by the DBC file you selected above.
9. Select the Tutorial.jpr project In the System Navigator. Right-click and select Edit Business Components Project....
10. Select the Connection option in the Business Components Project Wizard and set the Connection Name to the connection you just defined. Select OK to save your changes.
11. Repeat steps 8 - 10 for the LabSolutions.jpr project.
Task 6: Configuring the Environment Encoding of JDeveloper
􀁹 Confirm the environment encoding of your JDeveloper if it is appropriately set. To see the environment encoding, see your preferences of JDeveloper. If Encoding is not set to "UTF-8", set it to "UTF-8".
Task 7: Test your Setup Perform the following steps to test your setup:
Tip: If you want pages to look as they do in the OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial / Sample Librar, use Internet Explorer 5.0+ as your default browser.
1. Open the toolbox.jws workspace in the JDeveloper Navigator using the instructions in Task 5 above.
2. Go to the System Navigator, select toolbox.jws and then select Project > Rebuild toolbox.jws from the main menu. You should get 0 errors (warnings are okay and expected).
3. Go to the System Navigator, expand the Tutorial.jpr project again, then select Project > Show Categories from the main menu.
Note: this helps to organize the files in a large project.
4. Expand the HTML Sources category beneath Tutorial.jpr. Select test_fwktutorial.jsp, then select Run > Run test_fwktutorial.jsp from the main menu. Perform the following:
􀁹 Select Hello, World! from the list of lesson links displayed on the Test Framework ToolBox Tutorial
page. This runs a very simple page.
Note: If you can't run the Hello, World! page; revisit the steps listed above to ensure that you completed everything correctly. If the problem persists, follow the support procedure described in the Release Notes accompanying this ARU.
You are now ready for hands-on experience with the Oracle JDeveloper OA Extension. The ToolBox Tutorial lessons can be launched from jdevdoc\index.htm
Customer, Consultant or Support Representative Using JDeveloper on Linux
This section contains instructions to configure and test OA Framework if you are a customer, consultant or support representative using JDeveloper on Linux. It provides an overview of the directory structure and discusses how to:
􀁹 Configure the JDEV_USER_HOME and JDEV_JAVA_HOME environment variables.
􀁹 Obtain a database connection file.
􀁹 Assign Toolbox responsibilities.
􀁹 Launch JDeveloper on Linux.
􀁹 Configure the database connection and user.
􀁹 Test the setup.
These instructions assume you have successfully installed the JDeveloper OA Extension zip file which creates the following directory structure on your drive of choice.
Directory Description
Tip: To open any of the documentation in the jdevdoc directories, open the jdevdoc\index.htm.
jdevdoc\javadoc\fwk Includes OA Framework Javadoc.
jdevdoc\javadoc\aolj Includes AOL/J Javadoc.
jdevdoc\javadoc\bc4j Includes BC4J Javadoc.
jdevdoc\javadoc\uix Includes UIX Javadoc.
jdevdoc\toolbox Includes OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial lesson/lab documentation.
jdevdoc\devguide Includes the OA Framework Developer's Guide.
jdevbin\ Includes an extended version of the Oracle JDeveloper 10g executable and OA
Framework class libraries.
jdevhome\ Includes the OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial source and developer working
Task 1: Configuring the JDEV_USER_HOME and JDEV_JAVA_HOME Environment
Attention: These commands must be executed from the bourne shell.
1. Assign a value to the JDEV_USER_HOME variable. For example:


2. Assign a value to the JDEV_JAVA_HOME variable.
Example - OS Red Hat version 2.1:

Example - OS Red Hat version 3.0:
Note: Both Red Hat versions, (2.1 and 3.0); have been tested successfully by Oracle JDeveloper OA
3. Export the two variables:
Task 2: Obtaining a Database Connection File
Obtain the FND database connection (.dbc) file from the system administrator who installed the OA Framework
database where you want to do your development. Place this file in the
\dbc_files\secure directory.
Task 3: Assigning ToolBox Responsibilities
If you have not already done so as part of your installation verification, assign the following ToolBox Tutorial
responsibilities to a test user. Refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide for information
about creating users and assigning responsibilities to users.
Note: Use an existing user in your system or create a new test user.
􀁹 OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial (responsibility key is FWK_TBX_TUTORIAL).
􀁹 OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial Labs (responsibility key is FWK_TOOLBOX_TUTORIAL_LABS).
Task 4: Launching JDeveloper on Linux
Run this command from the bourne shell to launch JDeveloper:
/jdevbin/jdev/bin/jdev -verbose
Task 5: Configuring the Database Connection and User
Use this procedure to configure the database connection and user:
1. Launch JDeveloper and then select File > Open from the main menu. Navigate to
\myprojects and open the OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial workspace file
2. Expand the toolbox.jws in the JDeveloper System Navigator, to display its contents. Select the
Tutorial.jpr project, then select Project > Project Settings.
3. Expand the Oracle Applications node, which is In the Project Settings dialog, and select Runtime
4. Locate the DBC file that you saved in Task 2 by using the Browse... button, which is In the Connection
box. The file should be in the \dbc_files\secure directory.
5. Specify the User Name and Password for the test user. This is the user that you assigned the ToolBox
responsibilities to in Task 3. Select OK.
6. Repeat Steps 2 - 5 for the LabSolutions.jpr project.
7. Expand the Connections node in the JDeveloper System Navigator and then expand the Database
node. Right-click on the Database node and select New Connection... to open the Connection Wizard.
Follow the JDeveloper instructions to define a new database connection for the Oracle Applications
database identified by the DBC file you selected above.
8. Select the Tutorial.jpr project In the System Navigator. Right-click and select Edit Business
Components Project....
9. Select the Connection option in the Business Components Project Wizard and set the Connection
Name to the connection you just defined. Select OK to save your changes.
10. Repeat steps 7 - 9 for the LabSolutions.jpr project.
Task 6: Testing the Setup
Tip: To use Mozilla as your default browser, create a symbolic link. For example, netscape = local/bin/mozilla.
To test your setup:
1. Open the OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial workspace file by selecting File > Open from the main menu.
Navigate to \myprojects and open the file toolbox.jws.
2. Select toolbox.jws and select Project > Rebuild toolbox.jws from the System Navigator main menu. You
should get 0 errors (warnings are okay and expected).
3. Expand the Tutorial.jpr project and then select Project > Show Categories from the System Navigator
main menu. (This helps to organize the files in a large project).
4. Expand the HTML Sources category beneath Tutorial.jpr. Select test_fwktutorial.jsp, and select Run >
Run test_fwktutorial.jsp from the main menu:
5. Select Hello, World! from a list of lesson links displayed on the Test Framework ToolBox Tutorial page,
to run a very simple page.
Note: If you can't run the Hello, World! page; revisit the steps listed above to ensure that you
completed everything correctly. If the problem persists, check the Oracle JDeveloper OA Extension
FAQ for troubleshooting tips. If it still doesn't work, send an email to the OA Framework support mail
list (see the OA Framework web site for additional information about this).